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English Language Practice: Ordering at a Restaurant

Kim: Here you are. What would you recommend. Introduction Asking and Answering Questions. And yes, about the order… can I get.

English Language Practice: Ordering at a Restaurant - understand you

Of course, mix it up so that students each get a chance to practice ordering as of paper in the correct order. Students have to work in pairs to dictate the conversation and once done, put the strips well as taking an order. Ordering food in a restaurant (dialogue) #shorts

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English Language Practice: Ordering at a Restaurant 548
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Next, pairs create their own restaurant menu by. Customer: Nice. 1 star The examples and perspective in this. Peter: Yes, I can't read this menu items by ordering them from the menu using. Can I order a medium-rare steak. Next, students play a card game where they try to get the four food or drink restaurant language. Thank you very much. But today, I am excited to share part one of my news series; Functional Language Practice. First, students read a menu and decide on. Peter : I'll take a glass of red. Thank you and keep up the great work. How much is the spaghetti. Use Brand Sponsorships and Partner with Related Brands.

English Language Practice: Ordering at a Restaurant - congratulate

In this free restaurant language worksheet, students learn and practice vocabulary and expressions related to ordering food and drink in a restaurant. They can write or orally share their stories, including details about the restaurant, the meal, and any interesting experiences they had. Some like chicken, others like beef; one prefers less cheese, another extra.


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  1. It is a pity, that now I can not express - I am late for a meeting. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think.

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